I first learned about the 日本 program at Bowdoin when I visited for prospective student weekend during my senior year of high school. I talked to Professor Aridome during the academic fair and to my surprise he still remembered me six months later when I arrived at Bowdoin. 这给我留下了深刻的印象——这表明阿里多姆教授和这个项目是多么关心他们的学生. 日语项目对我来说就像一个家庭,是我买球平台经历的重要组成部分.
我一年级开始学日语只是因为我想学第三语言,而且我喜欢日本动漫. 虽然头两年日本人一大早就见面了, 我总是对上课感到兴奋,因为Aridome教授和Selinger教授都让课堂变得非常有趣. 多亏了他们,课堂变得生动而充满活力. 作为一个科学和数学专业的学生, I would say that taking a language is like taking a break from the sciences and enjoying another aspect of the liberal arts environment at Bowdoin. 日语项目还提供历史、文学和宗教等其他课程. 大三的时候,我选修了一门叫做武士史的课程, 文学, 电影让我大开眼界,让我对日本社会有了更深入的了解.
日本项目还提供了许多活动来帮助学生们彼此建立联系. The most important one was the language table which was a great opportunity to practice 日本 language with friends and professors. 全年还有其他有趣的活动,比如卡拉ok派对, 茶道示范, 还有寿司派对. 即使我不在日本,我也能体验到日本文化的各个方面. They were also great opportunities for me to develop relationships with my classmates who later became some of my closest friends.